
Exchange Cached

Since the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 version Microsoft offers the cached mode feature. The advantage of the cached mode compared to the uncached mode is that in the case of the cached mode you ... read more...

Search Tool

No matter if you are looking for something special on the Internet, or on your own computer, a search is unavoidable in many cases. You will at least once per day use a computer ... read more...


When searching for Enterprise, server based, computing solutions, the name Citrix often comes up. Citrix Systems is an enterprise that was founded in 1989 and is now headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Citrix has ... read more...

Email and Desktop Folder

To make it easier to work with a computer and to avoid a constant search for data it is advisable to create different folders. Folders can be set up within a drive or directly ... read more...

Terminal Server

In search of administrate solutions for application software, which are efficient and easy to manage, oftentimes a terminal server system is suggested. A terminal server is a technology which is based on transfers of ... read more...

Outlook archive

An Outlook archive is a database which has been created by the software Microsoft Outlook. Old emails are stored in such an archive to avoid the mailbox becoming too crowded and to make the ... read more... Evaluates Lookeen

In a recent “first look“ review, Preston Gralla of said “Those who live and die by e-mail, and use Outlook, may well find Lookeen a life-saver.” Lookeen is a search tool for Microsoft ... read more...

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