The press is unanimous: our software keeps its promises. Read our top-rated press reviews by Makeuseof, ghacks, ArnoldIT, PC Magazine and many more here.
M. David Stone
If searching for email is not an issue… consider the free version of Lookeen, which lacks an email search capability but still offers full-text search for documents
Dave LeClair
…tremendous features that will make finding anything on your computer incredibly easy
Anand Khanse
a comprehensive desktop search tool for your complete system”

Lincoln Spector
If your business hinges on Outlook, with years of mission-critical e-mails, hundreds of important contacts, and more appointments than you can remember, Lookeen can make your life much easier
James Fallow
The searches it runs are extremely fast, and it imposes no detectable burden on the computer’s overall speed.

Roland Waddilove
Lookeen Free Desktop Search is a useful tool that can be used when Windows Search fails, or even all the time as a better alternative.

John Obeto
For the ease of use, speed, and alright goodness of this application, we have presented Lookeen with the SmallBizWindows Business Ready Award of Excellence. Highly recommended.
M. David Stone
…Lookeen will quickly search the index and show a list of all hits, complete with a count of how many items it found.

Margie Smeer
Lookeen Desktop Search managed to stand out from all the rest of file searching applications by offering undeniable advantages.

Editor Review
…a handy tool for searching data even if you have forgotten file names and their locations

Rob Schifreen
Lookeen is currently my PC indexer of choice

Martin Brinkmann
Lookeen is a powerful desktop search for Windows systems
If you are still searching for an outstanding Outlook and Desktop search tool then Lookeen is the only solution

Ric Manning
…a highly-regarded Outlook add-in that provides fast and intelligent searches across an enterprise

Stephen E. Arnold
When indexing and searching email, including archived collections of emails, Lookeen was the top performer.

Matthew Appleton
It is very simple to setup, has powerful searching, and can search not only your current mailbox, but Outlook archives as well.

You increase your productivity directly by using the Mail search, Analytic and Global search features of Lookeen.
Saikat Basu
If you are a heavy email user, you’ll need a more powerful email search tool. Lookeen can dig amidst 100 GB of data without loss in performance.
The big advantage of this Add-In is the enormous speed while searching for keywords. With Lookeen, it is not “searching”, it is “finding”!
Susan Harkins
Lookeen – an additional management tool for previewing, moving, and deleting.

Francine Otterson
Lookeen gives you the information quickly and easily. It allows you to customize what and how often you index to meet your needs.

Usman Javaid
We consider Lookeen an important add-in since it provides the very best way to find out what you’re looking for in Outlook.

Diana Huggins
However, if you receive countless number of emails, the cost is minimal considering the amount of time you can save searching for important emails.

Heinz Tschabitscher
Lookeen finds everything fast in Outlook – no matter the account, folder, PST file or type (from email to meeting to attachment).

Martin Stolz
Group Policies – the administrator’s favorite tool – also within the network of a big company, the Outlook-search Lookeen can be distributed easily to all employees via Lookeen-GPO. Lookeen increases the productivity of the employees in a verifiable way and this is essential today – in a work environment which constantly becomes more and more complex.

Jeff Bishop
From what I can tell after a few days of playing with it Lookeen seems to be a pretty good addition to my life inside of Outlook and worth a try for anyone who hasn’t yet figured out how to manage those hundreds of emails you get and send every day.

JTB World
All in all I have been a happy user of Lookeen and also found the support to be quick to respond to my questions.

Preston Gralla
This add-in for Outlook 2003 and 2007 performs lightning-fast searches, and offers several tools for managing and finding e-mail.