Your signature is also important because it represents you and thus sends a strong promotional and professional message. Because images convey meaning more richly and quickly, why not add an animation or graphic to your signature to personalize it? Or maybe you just like to mess around and that could be a fun option for you? In any case, this article will walk you through the process of adding a graphic or image to your signature.
How to Add an Image to Your Signature Step-by-Step
The steps below apply to Outlook 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, and Outlook for Microsoft 365.
Step 1: Open Outlook and go to the file tab.
Step 2: Select “Options”.
Step 3: Select “Mail” in the dialog box.
Step 4: Select “Signatures” in the “Compose Messages” section.
Step 5: Select “New” in the e-mail and signature tab.
Note: If you want to add a graphic or image to an already existing signature, select the
corresponding signature and jump directly to Step 8.
Step 6: Enter a descriptive name in the new signature dialog box and select “OK”.
Step 7: Select the signature you want to edit in the signature and stationary dialog box and enter the text you want to include in the “Edit Signature” section.
Learn more about the free desktop search solution Lookeen!Step 8: Position your cursor where you want to insert your graphic or image. In the formatting toolbar, select “Insert Picture”. Keep in mind that an added image increases the message size. Thus, it is recommended to select an image with less than 200KB.
Step 9: Select “OK”.
What are your thoughts on including images in your signature? Have you considered it before? Or are you already using it? Let’s discuss it in the comment section!
See you soon,
Aline & the Lookeen team
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