How to create a new email message template step-by-step
Read about how to create your own email template, which you can adapt and modify as needed.
Step 1: Draw up a new email message with selecting Home and New Mail. If desired for your template message, add a subject.
Step 2: Add text, graphics, images, signature, and other elements you want to be included in your email template.
Note: If you previously created an email signature which is automatically added to your email, remove any signatures in your template!
Step 3: Now that your template is set up, select File.
Step 5: Select Save as. Enter a filename.
Step 6: Click on the Save as type drop down arrow, then select Outlook Template (*.oft).
Step 7: Select Save and close the original email.
A desktop search solution you can trust? Lookeen!How to compose an Email using a Template in Outlook
Read about how to use a saved email template to write a new message.
Step 1: Click on the Home tab.
Step 2: Select New Items > More Items > Choose Form.
Step 3: The Choose Form dialog box will appear. Click on the Look In drop down arrow, and then User Templates in File System.
Step 4: Choose the template you want to use and click Open.
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Aline & the Lookeen team
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