How did your interest in Microsoft come about? Who or what particularly inspired you?
I’ve always had a thing for computers, but my early years were mostly spent on gaming. I got more serious about it at the university, where I managed one of the computer labs and started learning more about AD, GPOs and so on. But most of my interests at that time were on the scientific front, and it wasn’t until I decided to switch careers that I got deeper into the Microsoft world. As it happens, Microsoft was just launching Office 365 at the time, and it immediately “clicked” with me. So much that I even started participating in the various communities outside of my working hours, to a point that it’s now more or less a habit.
When you are not on your MVP role, what do you do for a living?
I’m currently employed at CoreView, a small ISV focused on Microsoft 365. There are many overlaps with my actual job and my MVP “hobby” – staying on top of what Microsoft is doing and hearing about what the customer’s needs are is helpful on both fronts.
Award-winning desktop search engine Lookeen finds every email and documents in seconds!What did you originally want to be when you were younger?
I planned to be a scientist, a physicist in particular. I got my PhD in Physics, published few papers in renown journals, etc. But at some point I had to face the realities of making a living in a third-world country, so I opted for a career change. I’m born, raised and still living in Bulgaria. We might technically be members of the EU now, but it’s still a third-world country in my book :)
What were your most important projects in the past?
That would probably have to be writing/defending my PhD thesis. On the Microsoft front, nothing that important stands out, but lots of smaller projects – evolving my blog, helping with the Office 365 for IT Pros book, etc.
What projects do you have planned for the future, if you can tell us a bit about them?
We have the next edition of the Office 365 for IT Pros book coming out this summer, which is where I will be spending my free time for the next couple of months. That, and a backlog of PowerShell scripts that need to be updated to work with the latest changes in the service.
What advice would you give to a new MVP award winner?
Keep doing what you love doing and don’t let the award go over your head :)
Improve your email management with Lookeen and find every message, contact, file and more in no time!What does an MVP like to do most in their free time?
Personally, I’d like to play the occasional video game, but it looks like I get less and less time to do that as I get older. Absorbing some sunshine while reading a book or going for a walk with the earplugs boosted on max is how I spend the light part of the day, when duties permit. As for hobbies, I suppose lurking around the various Office 365 forums qualifies as such.
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Thank you Vasil Michev, we are impressed by your story and wish you all the best!
See you soon,
Aline & the Lookeen team
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