Send emails with time delay in Outlook

Especially in your professional life, you are supposed to always act in an appropriate, controlled manner. However, we are all just human beings. When under pressure, a colleague who keeps sending you reminder messages, or an intern just not getting the newest task you gave them, can easily lead to you being frustrated and sometimes to a response that is not as kind as you wished it would have been. When was the last time you sent an email that you regretted sending only seconds after you clicked the send button? Did you notice right after that you forgot to add an attachment or that there were spelling mistakes? Luckily, when sending an email in Outlook, you have the option to delete the email within a chosen time frame. In the following article, learn how to select the settings accordingly.


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How to send all emails with time delay step-by-step

In the following section, you can read step-by-step instructions on how to set a time delay for all your emails.

Step 1: Click Manage Rules & Alerts on the File tab in Outlook. You can also go to Rules in the homes Tab and select Manage Rules & Alerts.

Step 2: A Rules & Alerts window will pop up, in which you can create new rules according to your needs. Now, click New Rule in the upper left corner.

Step 3: In the bottom section under start from a blank rule, you will find “Apply rule on message I send”. Select this and click on Next.


Step 4: Now you have the option to select certain conditions. However, you don’t need one to send emails with a time delay. Therefore, you can click on Next if you do not wish to select more options.

Step 4: Check defer delivery by a number of minutes in the upper pane.

Step 5: In the lower pane you now have the option to choose the number of minutes you want your emails to be delayed. Now, click on the highlighted “a number of” and a new window will pop up. Here you can select your preferred number.

Step 6: Finally, you can either select Finish or click on Next to define exceptions or give the rule a name.


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Things you may need to consider


To send all emails with an automatic time delay also has its downsides. For example, it can be  disadvantageous if you must  send a document or answer immediately. Therefore, I would suggest not setting the minute window too high. Keep in mind that people can get frustrated easily when they have to wait.


However, I hope that this article helped you and gave you an idea on how to manage your emails better and to avoid mistakes and emotional outbreaks in the digital world!


What is your opinion on the window delay? Do you think it could be helpful? Feel free to leave a comment!


See you soon!

Aline & the Lookeen team


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