If you’re here, you’re no stranger to the Outlook email signature. It’s probably been around since the first Outlook itself. It is a part of your identity, especially in a corporate or tech environment. You want your Outlook email signature to be useful for the recipient but also represent you in a professional manner. When you work for a company and begin to use your email to do business with outsiders it is important to keep the signature simple, professional, and contain the correct information.
Want to make the most of your email signatures? Give these hacks a go...
Tips for your Outlook 2016 Email Signature
When working for a company there is most likely a uniform email signature that everyone needs to have. This is important because you want to convey a professional image but also cover other important aspects of the business itself.
To keep it professional, stay away from the cutesy fonts and colors. You should avoid having your Outlook email signature look like the Las Vegas strip, especially in a work environment, so that’s also a ‘no’ to any funky animations as well. Keep it simple – it’s the best advice I can give. All you need is your basic information, a company logo, and last but certainly not least, some kind of legal and privacy disclaimer at the bottom.
Most companies will make every employee include this in their Outlook email signature anyway because these disclaimers ‘may’ protect the company, their employees, and yes even the customers. If you find that your company has not adopted the use of a company wide disclaimer in email signatures, you might want to offer up this piece of advice. Here’s how you can set yours up, now you know the basics.
Setting up an Email Signature in Outlook 2016
Here are the steps you need to follow to set up your new email signature in Outlook 2016:
- Open Outlook and click on File.
- Click on Options
- Click on Mail on the left hand side and then click on the button that says Signatures…
- Where it says ‘Select signature to edit’ click on the New
- Name the signature. You may find you need more than one for different occasions, so this is the best way to keep it organized. Click OK.
- Under Edit Signature type in the text you want to use (keeping in mind the Outlook email signature tips above). Click OK when you are done.
Now your email signature is set up and ready to go!