Microsoft Office

  • Searching for Information in the Enterprise – A Waste of Money

    Many directors and CIOs underestimate one of the most important financial resources: time. Can the costs incurred by searches be reduced?

  • Importance of Semantic Search in Enterprise

    What is semantics? Semantics is the study of meaning. In an abstract sense, it concerns itself with the relationship between signifiers and their literal denotation.…

  • Big Data and Impacts on Enterprise Search

    The usefulness of data storage is inherently derived from the ability retrieve, at command, a relevant subset of the data. So, as data sets grow…

  • Desktop Search Helps Classify Company Data

    Meeting Expectations in Desktop Search Data is only as good as an employees’ ability to find it. If an employee has a client meeting in…

  • Desktop Search and the Future

    Is Google giving its users whiplash? Fair enough, Google docs is well used and simple, however they do tend to leave their users in a…

  • The Variety of Desktop Search Solutions

    Questions to ask Before you Choose What I Look for in a Desktop Search Solution I look for speed and that it returns good results.…

  • What is Desktop Virtualization?

    Desktop virtualization, also called VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure), is currently on everyone’s lips. To understand desktop virtualization, one must first explain the concept of “virtualization“:…

  • What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Desktop Virtualization?

    What’s important? The most important advantage of desktop virtualization is flexibility: A virtual desktop can be accessed from anywhere, without the specific hardware needed. VDI…

  • Problem: Outlook and File Search in Virtual Desktop Environments

    So where is the “silver lining” ? Fortunately, some software manufacturers have seen and accepted the challenge. Lookeen, an Outlook search add-on from Germany, for…