Terrence McGarty
Founder @ The Telmarc Group
The customer support is fantastic! Real people answering real questions to make the experience better. Lookeen works quite well, I do a lot of research on cancer genomics and use it in the process. So for any of you who want a great indexing system for a PC I would strongly suggest you try them out!
Numerous Features for Desktop Search
Lookeen searches using an index-an index functions similarly to a book’s table of contents, pointing to where the desired information is located. Thanks to desktop search features like indexed search, Lookeen can locate data such as emails or documents and access this information, dramatically increasing search speed. Searching an index is much faster than manually going through files and folders. This allows Lookeen to find your emails, documents, and files in record time.
Additional Desktop Search Features: Filters, Categories, Preview
Lookeen also impresses with numerous additional desktop search features, including over 25 filter options, making it more precise than any other desktop search tool. In the results list, you can further narrow your search with just a click on different categories. You can customize these by selecting in the menu which categories should be displayed. Additionally, you can determine the number of preview lines shown for an item-by clicking on the corresponding field, you can choose to display no lines, one, two, or three. If you enable image preview in the menu, you can also view image files in various sizes. With advanced search fields, you can refine your search even further: for example, by filtering by a specific file format or keyword. These desktop search features will help you simplify your workflows every day.

Wildcards, Boolean Operators, and Search-As-You-Type
Lookeen also supports wildcards, which are placeholder characters you can use if you only know part of the search term. In this case, the entire content that starts or ends with a certain string will be displayed. You can also use Boolean operators like “AND” and “–” to include or exclude specific search terms. Thanks to incremental search, Lookeen suggests results as you type. You also have the option to save searches as favorites. The highlighting function marks your search terms in the results list, making it easy to quickly recognize relevant documents at a glance.
Dog | Documents containing the term “Dog” |
Dog Cat | Documents containing both “Dog” and “Cat” |
Dog Photos-Cat | Documents containing the term “Dog” and “Photos” but excluding “Cat” |
“Dog Breeding“ | The phrase “Dog Breeding” appears in that exact combination |
H?t* | Results include “Hat,” “Hats,” “Hut,” “Huts.” The wildcard ? represents a single character, while * represents any number of characters. |
“Dog Breeding“~10 | The terms “Dog” and “Breeding” appear within 10 words of each other. |
Desktop Search Features
- Integrated in the systray and easily accessible by pressing the “Ctrl” key twice
- Supports all common file formats such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, HTML, PHP, TXT, RTF, JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, GIF, and more
- Searches not only file names but also the contents of files
- Search-as-you-type functionality for search results at record speed
- Multi-line preview and color highlighting of search terms in the results list
- History of all search queries
- Save search queries as favorites for quick reuse
- Advanced search filters and wildcard searches with Boolean operators
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