In our professional lives, email is our most important means of communication. What happens when we commit the indiscretion of sending an email to the wrong person? This is where email recalling will come into play and possibly save you some embarrassment. Email recalling in Outlook is the action of deleting emails sent in error. It is a common mistake, and nothing to get really scared about. We have all done it at one point or another. If you have not, I would still continue reading, because when it does happen, you will be prepared to correct the mistake in Outlook.
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In your haste to get through your emails and responding to emails, you have sent an email to the wrong person by mistake. You may feel embarrassed and a bit nervous at the prospect that the email you sent will be read by the wrong person. Here is the solution – the Recall This Message feature in Microsoft Outlook 2013. This feature will allow you to replace, delete, or simply to recall an email that you have sent by mistake.
Step by Step: How to Recall an Email in Outlook 2013
Here are the simple steps you can follow to recall the message:
- First go to your Sent Items
- Now double click the email that you would like to recall. Your message will open in another window.
- In the Move Section on the menu of the Email, click where it says Actions
- Click Recall This Message
- Select Delete Unread Copies of this Message. Here Outlook will actually notify you if the recipient has actually read the email. If you want to just fix the message you sent, you will click Delete Unread Copies and Replace with a New Message. This opens a new window with your email in edit mode, where you can replace your original message with corrections or a completely new message. *
- Click OK. Now wait for Outlook to notify you if the recall has actually been successful. You should receive a message from Outlook soon after telling you of the status of the recall.
*Make sure that the check box that says “Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient” is selected.
If it was a success, the email will disappear from your recipient’s inbox. If not, Outlook 2013 will tell you that the attempt to recall the message has failed. In this case, it is probably a good idea to start writing up an apology. With email recalling, the faster you act to fix the mistake; the chances of success are much higher.