Many years ago, you could fix a car with a screwdriver and a hammer. The motors were simple and straight forward. People took that same approach to healthcare. If you were sick, take a ... read more...
The crux of desktop search used to be being able to find data on your desktop, or in shared network folders. The initial idea was to have a native search function on your desktop, ... read more...
Semantic search is steadily increasing in popularity. Semantics are already leveraged to some degree across numerous and varied search engines. There are difficult challenges in implementation and query processing to overcome, however, semantics are ... read more...
The usefulness of data storage is inherently derived from the ability retrieve, at command, a relevant subset of the data. So, as data sets grow bigger, how does this impact the future of search technologies? read more...
In this day and age, you would think companies would maintain their accounts in the most up-to-date way possible. If you start looking closely at how a company accounts for its assets however, it quickly ... read more...
Desktop search was a major focus of many companies over the years. Google entered the fray in 2004 with their own client tool that was designed to let users search their own PCs for ... read more...
The reasons many people look for a desktop search alternative is because they want functions that aren’t included in the native Windows Search. If a user wants to search Microsoft Outlook as well as ... read more...
Desktop virtualization, also called VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure), is currently on everyone’s lips. To understand desktop virtualization, one must first explain the concept of “virtualization“: This is where hardware, operating systems, data storage or ... read more...
As practical, convenient and secure virtual desktop environments may be – in practice, they do present some problems. For example, try to find an email in an Outlook mailbox, or a file on the ... read more...
Email is an excellent communication method. It has become a ubiquitous part of daily life since it became widespread in the mid-1990s. It is so well-used that workers now spend 28% of business hours reading and writing emails. Improving the
...and what you can do to fix it. Although desktop virtualization has become much simpler and more commonplace as virtualization technologies have evolved, it still poses some difficulties that can be a huge stumbling block for many companies. While some of