If you’ve ever worked with a computer, chances are that you’ve used some form of desktop search. The native Windows desktop search is the most likely, but there are plenty of other products on the market. ... read more...
If you’re like me, you live in two worlds when it comes to documents and email. I was using SkyDrive for my online documents, but I had never synced my desktop documents and my SkyDrive ... read more...
I know that we’re in the enterprise search business, but I wanted to share a point of view about Dropbox as an enterprise search tool for companies. First I would like to point out ... read more...
For anyone that has ever used Dropbox, you know what real-time indexing is. It means that anytime you’re working on a document from your Dropbox file, you’re working on the latest version. If you ... read more...
A year ago, as we presented Lookeen 3.7, real-time indexing was only a feature in the beta version. Lookeen 8 now has all the latest technological advances in one convenient package! read more...
When I use Google search, I have a specific question, but not Enterprise Search specific. Let me explain, when I use Google I want a solution or an idea to my question (think I ... read more...
The history of data searching is a long one, but I’m going to focus specifically on search engines on computers. Search, or the idea of search came about right after WWII, when everyone was ... read more...
Early in 2008, Axonic Informationssysteme GmbH released the Outlook add-on Lookeen. This tool has made searching in Outlook easy for thousands of users in over 70 countries worldwide. Lookeen searches through local mailboxes, exchange ... read more...
The current, very heated, debate to enforce a better protection for personal data, reaches a new dimension in view of the desktop search. Because it is the desktop search that is actually saving personal ... read more...
Email is an excellent communication method. It has become a ubiquitous part of daily life since it became widespread in the mid-1990s. It is so well-used that workers now spend 28% of business hours reading and writing emails. Improving the
...and what you can do to fix it. Although desktop virtualization has become much simpler and more commonplace as virtualization technologies have evolved, it still poses some difficulties that can be a huge stumbling block for many companies. While some of