File search has changed over the years, but while the look might be slightly different, the search results are still the same as before. Here’s how to get the best results in any version of Windows. read more...
There is a desktop search PDF issue on 64 bit versions of Windows 7 and 8. To search for PDFs there needs to be a search filter installed. Once the filter is installed, your desktop search issue may be finally solved. read more...
With businesses generating more and more documents and data, the search for that data is now almost as important as the data itself. When searching through gigabytes of data, do you use an indexed or unindexed search? The answer depends entirely on what you are searching for. read more...
Information retrieval is now a central part of daily life, in and outside of the workplace. Having a good search system in place is vital for workplace productivity. read more...
Lucene is a powerful text search engine library, which has established itself as the backbone for an extensive range of search tools. Lucene comprises a comprehensive set of scalable, efficient and cross-platform algorithms, written ... read more...
For anyone that has ever used Dropbox, you know what real-time indexing is. It means that anytime you’re working on a document from your Dropbox file, you’re working on the latest version. If you ... read more...
The ability of a company to save resources (especially in times like these) is very important. If you’re like me, you might be doing a little belt tightening at home due to the new ... read more...
The desktop search allows for a fast search of the computer. As a rule, the complete set of files will be searched by this tool. What is characteristic of the desktop search is its ... read more...
The search engine: the only method to find your way around the World Wide Web and, ideally, to really end up at the place you had in mind. Search engines are not only the ... read more...
Lucene is a PC tracking software which was developed by Doug Cutting. It is quickly growing in popularity. You have the ability to scour whole texts and to get an overview as a result. ... read more...
Email is an excellent communication method. It has become a ubiquitous part of daily life since it became widespread in the mid-1990s. It is so well-used that workers now spend 28% of business hours reading and writing emails. Improving the
...and what you can do to fix it. Although desktop virtualization has become much simpler and more commonplace as virtualization technologies have evolved, it still poses some difficulties that can be a huge stumbling block for many companies. While some of