When it comes to the future of tech, a lot of trending topics revolve around consumer sector & the data such tech generates. What will big companies contend with when it comes to managing the data generated every year by all of this tech? read more...
Big Data can be a blessing or a curse. Gaining great insight about your customers can be acheived using a strong analytics tools, however pinpointing individual customer data still needs the help of a capable search solution. read more...
Technology today and the people who manage it are responsible for the integration of new information and ideas in the work environment. Company data is expanding at an ever increasing rate. If every piece ... read more...
The usefulness of data storage is inherently derived from the ability retrieve, at command, a relevant subset of the data. So, as data sets grow bigger, how does this impact the future of search technologies? read more...
In this day and age, you would think companies would maintain their accounts in the most up-to-date way possible. If you start looking closely at how a company accounts for its assets however, it quickly ... read more...
It turns out that SEO professionals may be the best suited to help jumpstart the company Enterprise Search endeavors. It’s true that SEO’s usually focus on the outside of a company, trying to engage ... read more...
The current, very heated, debate to enforce a better protection for personal data, reaches a new dimension in view of the desktop search. Because it is the desktop search that is actually saving personal ... read more...
Email is an excellent communication method. It has become a ubiquitous part of daily life since it became widespread in the mid-1990s. It is so well-used that workers now spend 28% of business hours reading and writing emails. Improving the
...and what you can do to fix it. Although desktop virtualization has become much simpler and more commonplace as virtualization technologies have evolved, it still poses some difficulties that can be a huge stumbling block for many companies. While some of