Google Search Appliance is being shut down. Find out what the alternatives are and get expert opinions on what it all means for enterprise search. Switching enterprise search appliances can be hard, let us help. read more...
Google announced they’re stopping support for Google Search Appliance. What does this mean for the industry, and for GSA customers? Is Google’s cloud search really a good alternative? read more...
Enterprise search seems like old news. Most large organizations have experimented with some sort of search solution over the years. The current and future challenges of information retrieval, however, mean that enterprise search is still an evolving necessity. read more...
Difficulty finding files on the computer disrupts workflow and can cost companies a lot of money. Desktop search can help us to be more productive and more efficient in the workplace, so how does this lead to decreased costs? read more...
Enterprise search programs are useful tools to find information hidden in company databases, however in today's instant search society, many wonder why enterprise and desktop search tools fall short of their expectations. read more...
With businesses generating more and more documents and data, the search for that data is now almost as important as the data itself. When searching through gigabytes of data, do you use an indexed or unindexed search? The answer depends entirely on what you are searching for. read more...
Our duty as the next generation of the workforce is to drop our tech savvy smugness and ask questions of those who have done it before us. A strong enterprsie search tool may facillitate more open information sharing. read more...
As baby boomers leave the workforce, does their knowledge have to go with them? Find out how companies can use enterprise search technology to reduce the pain of the modern brain-drain. read more...
Recently published research by Grand View Research projects increasing growth in the enterprise search market. Various end-user sectors such as government and banking & finance predict increased demand for enterprise search tools through 2020. read more...
Enterprise social software eases the flow of information between employees by tapping into knowledge outside of the company network. Enterprise 2.0 technologies fostered an information leveraging culture, enabling faster adoption of enterprise search software. read more...
Email is an excellent communication method. It has become a ubiquitous part of daily life since it became widespread in the mid-1990s. It is so well-used that workers now spend 28% of business hours reading and writing emails. Improving the
...and what you can do to fix it. Although desktop virtualization has become much simpler and more commonplace as virtualization technologies have evolved, it still poses some difficulties that can be a huge stumbling block for many companies. While some of