How to Enable, Customize, and Disable Outlook Swipe Gestures on Mac

Outlook offers a variety of customization options to make usage as simple and efficient as possible. Did you know you can delete an email easily with a simple finger swipe? Moreover, you can flag a message, trash it, or mark it as read by simply swiping left or right. The best part is Outlook allows you to configure it with a variety of options and, moreover, to disable it! All it takes is a magic mouse or multi-touch trackpad.


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How to Enable and Customize Swipe Gestures in Mac

Step 1: Open Outlook and go to “Microsoft Outlook” at the top left corner of your screen.
Step 2: Select “Settings” in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: In the pop-up window, click on “Reading.”

Screenshot of Outlook settings with highlighted

Step 4: Outlook gives you multiple options to decide what happens when you swipe a message right or left. Select as desired and click “Ok.”

Screenshot of Outlook Reading pop-up window with drop-down window of

How to Disable Swipe Gestures in Outlook

To disable the swipe gestures in Outlook, simply follow the steps above. Then, select “None” for “Left Swipe” and “Right Swipe.”

Screenshot of Outlook with

Do you find the swipe gestures helpful, or have you turned them off? Let’s discuss in the comment section!
See you soon!
Aline & the Lookeen team

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